Limitations of StochasticAD

StochasticAD has a number of limitations that are important to be aware of:

  • StochasticAD uses operator-overloading just like ForwardDiff, so all of the limitations listed there apply here too. Also note that some useful features of ForwardDiff, such as chunking for greater efficiency with a large number of parameters, have not yet been implemented here.
  • We have limited support for reverse-mode AD, via smoothing, which cannot be guaranteed to be unbiased in all cases. [Note: smoothing functionality for general programs not yet available.]
  • We do not yet support if statements with discrete random input. A workaround can be to use array indexing to express discrete random choices (see the random walk tutorial for an example).
  • We do not yet support non-real values as intermediate values (e.g. a function such as length(A[rand(Bernoulli(p))]) where A is an array of strings is in theory differentiable).
  • We do not support discrete random variables that are implicitly implemented using continuous random variables, e.g. rand() < p.
  • We support a limited assortment of discrete random variables: currently Bernoulli, Binomial, Geometric, Poisson, and Categorical from Distributions. We are working on increasing coverage across Distributions as well as other libraries providing discrete random samplers such as MeasureTheory.
  • Higher-order differentiation is not supported.

StochasticAD is still in active development! PRs are welcome.